
Simply Kind of Man ( A to the H)

Having Santana himself as his model was just something he didn't take as granted. He loves this job and that simply it.

Yohanes Paganda Halasan Harahap,or known as Agan Harahapa talented self-taught young photographer and illustrator that now working for currently working for TRAX Magazine is one of the Indonesian proudness. His arts had been discussed in some of the foreign social media several times, including  The Guardian-London newspaper.

This genius man like to come up with a very creative idea and concept in his digital arts, like his current arts "Holy War" that featured in The Jakarta Post, February 2011, almost a full page of him and his arts which at the same time had been exhibited at the Richard Koh Fine Art exhibition, last January 2011 in Kuala Lumpur.

For you people out there that want to get inspired do check his BlogFlickr and devianART or BehanceNETWORK right away. :)

And will leave you with interview i had with him via email. Enjoy! :)

1. Tell me about your first love story with the camera bang? :)
dunia fotografi, buat gw, bukan diawali dgn cinta.. tp dgn kebencian.
krn dulu, (waktu jaman kuliah), buat gw, orang yg jago motret, adalah orang yg bodoh dalam menggambar. ditambah lagi krn ketidakadaan alat. yg memaksa gw untuk 2x mengulang kuliah fotografi. (Bagaimana tidak benci toh?!?)
tapi waktu berjalan, sehingga ada seorang kawan 'sepergaulan' yg memulai fotografi dan mendapat apresiasi yg oke. dan gw pun 'panas' untuk menyainginya.
Setelah itu,.. "simsalabim". dan gw jd fotografer sampe skrg.

2. What do you like to keep saying to motivate yourself?, words of wisdom maybe?
'aku harus bisa ' 

3. The best thing about this job is..
Fotografi adalah media yg terhitung 'baru' sebagai media ekspresi dlm berkesenian. Dan ketika mempelajarinya, gw menemukan banyak kejutan2 yg menyenangkan. 

4. So far have you come to realize and understand where do you 'get' your success from?
Semuanya berpulang pada yang Maha Kuasa mbak..

5. People assume that when you have already earned a lot of money in a field, you are then professional, just like a professional photographer, well actually what is the word 'Professional' means to you? 
Profesional adalah bagaimana loe berhasil me-manage sesuatu sesuai dgn rencana loe tanpa merugikan org lain. ttg earned a lot of money, anda salah mbak..

6. You have gained lots of recognition through media or exhibition, can you pick the most unforgettable one and tell us a little bit about it.. :D
Semua pameran dan ekspos2 itu punya arti tersendiri yg sungguh berkesan buat gw. Kl di tanya yg paling berkesan, adalah waktu gw ke portugal 2009. krn itu adalah pertamakalinya, gw jalan2 gratisan cm modal karya doang.

7. How do you get inspired with some of your wild idea and concept? 
Semua berlangsung sewajarnya. apa yg gw rasa, itu yg gw kerjain..
(gw ini cowok sensi cuy ) 

8. Last but not least, any tips and advices to the starter out there? :) the things that someone should had told you about being a newbie?
B-2 yg kemarin mbak..  (Berlatih dan Bergaul. Berlatih meningkatkan skill dan Bergaul meningkatkan network)